Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 10 - Eccleston to Capernwray

Last night the netbook died. With all our photos and lots of draft blog posts potentially lost, this was disastrous. The mood last night was grim, therefore, as we shuffled to the pub – hence the lack of post about it at the time.


Today's word is 'productive' and today's phrase is 'back on track'.

This morning, we located maybe the only Linux guy (we have a Linux laptop) in this part of the North-West, had a brief phone conversation and ferried our dead netbook to his Lancaster house in the rain.

On the phone to Wayne the computer man, Preston:

If you're reading this, he's managed to both fix it AND post it on to somewhere later in our journey. For now though, we can only wait and hope.
* * * * *

Aside from this drama, before we left our Eccleston hosts this morning, our brains had this unusual spectacle to process: feeding grapes who a tame white deer who wanders around the grounds. He's called Persil:

A damp and preoccupied day of cycling today, around Preston, Lancaster and beyond:

Relieved to have set the computer-fixing process in motion, we finally slumped gratefully over our pub dinner and Guinness at Capernwray (thanks to Roy for the lift).

Lake District tomorrow...

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